"Curiosity Saved the Cat"This piece was written for Latter-day Saint Insights. When I first read over it, I realized that part of it would need to be rewritten. And the part that needed to be rewritten was central to her article: the metaphor of the cat. I was a little nervous about talking to her about it, but I gave it some thought and came up with some suggestions, and then I sent her a text explaining the situation. She responded positively and rewrote her article, which I then edited. To the right you can see the original article she sent me, my text message to her, and my edits for the second draft of her article.
"Gracefully Accepting God's Will"This piece was also written for Latter-day Saint Insights. As I was reading, I thought everything was going great, and then I started reading her summary of Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf's "fourth floor, last door" story. And because I remembered the talk and I remembered some things that I knew about Elder Uchtdorf, I was able to catch a major mistake. When I sent the author's article back to her, she responded positively to my suggestions, and we were able to fix the mistake. The article with my edits and comments is on the right.
"How to Properly Flout Prescriptivism"This article was one of the first articles ever written for Editing Research. As the managing editor, it was my job to determine our style and standardize this first batch of articles. Before the authors began writing, we created a loose style guide to help them, but after we got a decent sample, I went through and looked at what our authors did and modified the style guide based on that. In this article, my edits focus on standardizing the article to match the style and tone of our new publication.